Remediation of polluted sites

Environmental remediation and recovery of abandoned areas

Securing containment, reclamation and recovery environmental

The process of remediation of contaminated sites makes it possible to eliminate (or reduce the concentration within the limits of the law) the polluting agents present in the soil, subsoil and groundwater.

The objective is the protection of the environment and health and the redevelopment of the area concerned, bringing it back to its pre-existing conditions and allowing it to be used for civil purposes or industrial.

Securing containment, reclamation and recovery environmental

The process of remediation of contaminated sites makes it possible to eliminate (or reduce the concentration within the limits of the law) the polluting agents present in the soil, subsoil and groundwater.

The objective is the protection of the environment and health and the redevelopment of the area concerned, bringing it back to its pre-existing conditions and allowing it to be used for civil purposes or industrial.

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Sites subject to remediation

Thanks to the skills acquired and the technologies available, Ecodep acts as a partner for Sicilian companies that need remediation work for:

_ brownfield land and industrial sites
_ active industrial sites
_ uncontrolled waste dumping
_ spills of dangerous substances, fires, floods
_ petrol stations and tanks
_ brownfield sites
_ friable asbestos
_ emediation and hydrodynamic cleaning

Remediation process for companies

emediation is, by regulatory definition, “The set of interventions aimed at eliminating the sources of pollution/polluting substances or at reducing their concentrations present in the soil subsoil and groundwater to a level lower than the Risk Threshold Concentrations (CSR)/Contamination (CSC) (art. 240 of Legislative Decree 152/2006)”.

The procedure for the remediation and restoration of contaminated sites involves a series of correlated activities (regulatory compliance, technical skills, field activities) which require companies to make great efforts to ensure compliance with the operating protocols and obligations established by law.

To help and support companies which thanks to reclamation interventions allow the recovery of areas compromised by contamination by promoting the redevelopment of the territory: Ecodep stands as a point of reference for the total management of the whole process supporting the company managers and guiding them towards the most suitable solution, in compliance with the regulations.

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Are you looking for a partner for polluted areas and sites remediation?

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