Tank remediation

Tailored solutions, from inspection to intervention, tailor-made solutions for bringing tanks up to standard.

Tank cleaning and remediation: what it consists of

Remediation of a tank is a delicate process in terms of safety, essential for environmental protection in the context of periodic maintenance or in preparation for redevelopment or decommissioning interventions. Cleaning consists in emptying the residues of polluting liquids or gases which are sucked up with special machinery and then transferred to the treatment or storage plants.

The remediation takes place both an underground and above ground systems. The service is carried out by highly qualified Ecodep personnel with specific training also for operating in spaces confined and in dangerous environments.

At the end of the operations, the residual waste from the reclamation of tanks and reservoirs is classified and conferred on the basis of the attribution of the relative EWC code.

Tank cleaning and remediation: what it consists of

Remediation of a tank is a delicate process in terms of safety, essential for environmental protection in the context of periodic maintenance or in preparation for redevelopment or decommissioning interventions. Cleaning consists in emptying the residues of polluting liquids or gases which are sucked up with special machinery and then transferred to the treatment or storage plants.

The remediation takes place both an underground and above ground systems. The service is carried out by highly qualified Ecodep personnel with specific training also for operating in spaces confined and in dangerous environments.

At the end of the operations, the residual waste from the reclamation of tanks and reservoirs is classified and conferred on the basis of the attribution of the relative EWC code.

Bonifiche serbatoi - Ecodep Smaltimento Rifiuti Sicilia

Why choose Ecodep for tank remediation

The intervention of remediation of the tanks or stems foresees an inspection of the site in which it is located find the tank, useful for identifying the most suitable type of intervention for compliance with the lowest risk assessment.

At the end of the inspection, the remediation is organised, it consists in the aspiration of the residual bottoms and the cleaning of the walls and the bottom.

The waste produced by these phases in sucked up and transferred according to the law towards disposal or storage. Once the reclamation has been completed scrupulous checks are carried out and the
manhole with replacement of gaskets and bolts.

The remediations that can be carried out by Ecode in Sicily mainly include:

_ Remediation of tanks of petroleum, chemical, energy and industrial plants
_ Remediation of underground tanks of industrial contaminated by hydrocarbons or chemical products
_ Pressure washing of tanks
_ High pressure hydrodynamic washing of surfaces
_ Industrial washing and purging
_ Technical hydrodynamic cleaning
_ Cleaning work in confined spaces
_ Mud suction and tank emptying

Are you looking for a partner for tank remediation?

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