Waste purification and treatment plant industrial liquids

For the chemical-physical-biological treatment and disposal of liquid waste, we have a purification plant attached to the company which at the end of the chemical-physical and Fenton treatment, sends the treated waste water to the biological sector.

For the chemical-physical-biological treatment and disposal of liquid waste, we have a purification plant attached to the company which at the end of the chemical-physical and Fenton treatment, sends the treated waste water to the biological sector.

Impianto di depurazione e trattamento di rifiuti liquidi industriali - Ecodep Smaltimento Rifiuti Sicilia

Disposal and recovery

The plant carries out the preparatory treatment operations for the disposal (D8 and D9) and recovery (R7) of the liquid waste. These activities are screening, de-oiling, accumulation with denitrification and nitrification, chemical-physical treatment, biological treatment, quartz and carbon filtration, sludge dehydration.

Technical characteristics of the purification plant
The chemical-physical-biological purification plant consists of different stages:
_ clariflocculation stage
_ wet oxidation stage
_ biological stage MBR
_ sludge dewatering stage
_ final filtration stage

The operation of the plant in the Fenton flotation, biological and filter press sections is regulated by a programmable logic controller (PLC) Downstream of the chemical-physical and Fenton treatment, the treated wastewater is sent to the biological sector.

Treatment process for the disposal of liquid waste

The treatment process applied in the liquid waste disposal plant is established according to the characteristics of the waste to be disposed of, their polluting load and the analytical characterizations and treatment tests carried out on samples representative of the supply charge.

Plant potential
The maximum annual disposal potential (D8 and D9), does not exceed 50 tons/day for a maximum of 15,000 tons/year, for non-hazardous waste and 10 tons/day for a maximum 1,500 tons/year, for hazardous waste.

Are you looking for a partner for the recovery and recycling of waste liquids?

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